Have you graduated recently and dreaming of making a career in the digital space?

Then surely, this article will guide you to understand the details and challenges associated with the digital marketing professional.

It is essential to choose a career with the latest trending marketing scope as the wave of the digitized industry is robust and impactful. So, if you are thinking of being a part of this fast-growing digital marketing industry in 2021, go ahead and kick-start your digital marketing career.

Undoubtedly, this field will boost your confidence in your life and career and give you a huge break.

Let’s see how!

Why do you need to build a rewarding career in the digital marketing industry?

Technology is shining, and humans are going crazy, where many big and small businesses are coming with new ideas every other day, offering tremendous job opportunities and bright future scope.

Naukri updated 28.5k jobs daily, and Indeed streamlined approx. 12k jobs recently in the digital domain.

According to the report of Statista, Facebook had 2.32 billion monthly active users in the fourth quarter of 2018. Another report said that India possesses the world’s second largest internet population and is also considered as the biggest smartphone market user after China. In the U.S. and Canada 195 million people use Facebook every day. ”

This shows great demand for skilled professionals.

In the last couple of years, we have witnessed exponential growth in the digital marketing trends, which directly impacts the salary packages of the aspirants where marketing professionals now can earn from 15k to 40k per month. However, it differs from company to company.

If you are fresher and planning to join this emerging industry, you can also earn a pretty good amount without having any experience. This field does not require some exceptional degree (from IIT/IIM) to associate with.

You just require digital marketing skills and approaching behavior to establish a bright career in the digital marketing industry. Enroll in some good digital marketing course, get yourself enrolled in a reputed digital marketing certification and get ready to stand-out in the crowd.

Here’s a roughly estimated salary of digital marketing professionals:

Rough Estimated Salary of Digital Marketing ProfessionalsSource: Quora

Nowadays, the scenario has changed completely, from e-commerce to commercial, from learning to training, everything is digitalized, which makes businesses promoting their brands through various digital channels.

You will not feel bored as many small, medium, and large digital marketing agencies serve their clients worldwide. One can get ample opportunity to work with different clients on various projects.

As this field involves creativity and new ideas to promote brands and make a mark on the market, one can get exposure working with multiple clients and enjoy the diversity of work.

Let’s see the Digital Marketing Career opportunities

  • Search Engine Optimization(SEO) executive
  • Search Engine Marketing(SEM) Manager/Expert
  • Social Media Marketing(SMM) Manager/Expert
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Email Marketing Manager
  • Conversion Rate Optimizer
  • Inbound Marketing Manager
  • Web Analytics Expert

Let’s understand what is the job role of the above profiles one by one:

SEO Executive

You are likely to join an organization as an SEO executive at the fresher level, and you are supposed to work under a team leader. The skills required for this position would be to have good hands-on analytical and logical skills. Thus, they are responsible for driving traffic to the website, undertaking digital marketing campaigns, making website changes, and updating accordingly.

SMM Manager/Expert

Social Media Marketing has become mainstream in digital marketing. As a social media marketer, you are required to generate quality content, videos, etc., daily. This profile is considered one of the coolest jobs. You need to coordinate with the content team and client servicing team where creativity matters a lot to prove the best fit for this job profile.

Search Engine Marketing Manager/Expert

These candidates are responsible for generating leads for the companies through Google Ads. As PPC experts, they are supposed to manage PPC keywords, impression share, bid management, revenue tracking, refined landing pages, generating reports, and much more.

Content Marketing Manager

They are responsible for generating high-quality content for content marketing, including managing website content, blogs, drip marketing campaigns, e-book publication, video marketing, guest blogging, etc. This field requires lots of creativity and exemplary knowledge of the English language.

Inbound Marketing Manager

The duty of an Inbound marketing manager is similar to a content marketer, and their responsibility is more towards lead conversion at a different stage (attract, delight, and convert) and includes managing the funnel, lead nurturing strategies, drip marketing, etc.

They need to focus on the execution of marketing strategies and customer-centric campaigns to attract customers through content marketing.

Conversion Rate Optimizer

These candidates are responsible for increasing the conversion rate in each stage of the marketing funnel. They are going to help inbound marketers in designing landing pages that perform well and delivers perfect results. They use various tools to achieve higher conversion.

Email Marketing Manager

These candidates are responsible for planning and developing the overall email marketing campaigns to attract the customer. They usually manage and create email databases and newsletters. They perform various tasks including, design and execute email marketing strategies, proofreading emails, analyzing data to get smart insights, creating and designing various CTA and email templates, increase email subscriptions, and much more.

Web Analytics Expert

Web Analytics requires proficiency in research and analysis. They are responsible for the website’s key performance metrics, creating forecasts using operational and statistical tools and models. They rely on different tools to source out the appropriate data like Google Analytics, CoreMetrics, WebTrends, etc.

Over to You

There is no need to worry. Digital revolution is upon us where technology continues to evolve, upgrade, and advance at its own pace, expanding the demand for relevant and qualified professionals.

Digital Marketing would be a good career choice for anyone who wants to grow in this cutting-edge technical revolution. 

Do you think you have it in you to me in this exciting career path? Well, visit webdew careers and apply now to begin your exciting journey as a Digital Marketer.

Good-luck for your next Digital Marketing interview!