Hello, all you creative minds out there.

Hope you all are doing good.

Indeed, motion graphic designers are responsible for bringing a graphic element to life. And they possess the ability and creativity to frame a simple idea into a complex and fascinating motion graphic piece alive on the computer screen.

Yes! It was a short and crisp introduction of Motion Graphic artists. So you might be wondering why I am defining a motion graphic artist? Right! Because I’ll be resolving all your queries related to skills and competencies you should acquire to win a motion graphic interview.

Here, I have logged some appropriate motion graphic skills for you guys that will help you in career prospects, and for newbies, these skills will assist in enhancing motion graphics career opportunities.  So are you guys ready for this roller coaster ride?

If yes! Let’s dive into it.

1. Graphic Design Skills

Being a motion artist, the first thing you need to keep in your head is learning or designing graphics elements. Hence, to accomplish this design, you need to have a good understanding of visual designing skills and their favorite tools.

Knowing these competencies is essential because it will push your motion pieces to work and provide life to your storyboard. Besides, often you will be asked to design virtual elements along with the animation. In that situation, the graphic designing proficiency will act as a gold miner for you.

In fact, there are numerous tools accessible for graphic designers. Here are a few of them:

  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Indesign

The software mentioned above is the most requested one. You can master one of them for your motion graphics career endeavors.

2. Typography


Source: gomedia.com

Typography is another crucial skill to procure as a motion artist. It is widely utilized across the animation industry to connect with their audience and convey the product via typography.

Let me tell you with examples!

Sometimes you might ask to complete the project by the deadline through the text style. In that case, you should know the typographies that can take your motion design to the next level.  

3. Creative thinking

Thinking out of the box and including creativity in your projects can add more value to your task and provide life to it, which automatically makes your client happier along with the boss.

Creative Thinking

Moreover, creative thinkers are called artists who are synonymous with motion graphic artists. They are supposed to create virtual elements into the motion piece and perceive patterns that are not obvious.

Innovative ideas are always appreciated, and creativity has the power to turn your simple projects into alluring and engaging ones. Therefore, you just need to put effort at your end to be a creative thinker.

Additionally, try to carry out new ways to meet the challenge and solve the problems that have been encountered. Furthermore, creativity can help you in staying ahead of the curve, and you will be able to grab the golden opportunities in your hands.  

4. 3D Design Skills and Understanding of Color Theory

With the advancement of technologies, 3D motion is in the limelight because of its unique features and requests among the commercial and advertisement industry. Being a motion artist, you should know how to move the objects and interrelate as this skill would be the most demanded to become an animator.

Animation is not limited to throwing together a few keyframes in After Effects. You need to know the fundamentals of how objects move and incorporate with the 3d effects. You can find different explainer videos, a 3D logo, an intro to a TV show, commercial, advertisements, and more.

Being a Motion artist, you need to have a good understanding of color theory so that you can convey the mood and feeling to the audience.

Color TheorySource: Hubspot

5. Interpersonal/Communication skills

Interpersonal skills are another critical factor for any job interview as “communication.” If you can communicate well with others, you can convey your creativity to the audience and those non-creative people who do not belong to your field.

Moreover, your clients are not technically designers, so it’s entirely up to you. How you deliver your thoughts to the other person through your visuals and creativity. That’s why effective communication can turn your tables and make you translate your concepts to the desired audience.

6. Focus on Originality

Originality matters a lot in the designing industry. Yes! It is easy to hop into trending style and get that styled done but do you know? It is not the right way to get things done.

Every motion graphic artist has their signature style. Therefore, you can not lose that essence of originality by copying someone else’s style because that won’t help you stand out from the crowd.

Last Words

Hope this documentation helps you and makes you understand which skill would be suitable for your career prospects. So it’s high time for you guys, get out of your shell and make a wise choice to grab the opportunity in your hands.

If you have a desire to continue, to grow, and to learn. Then you are on the right track. Do some effective motion graphics certifications and join a designing institute where you can adapt these competencies and get proficiency in the animation field.

I want to recommend you to join Pluralsight’s 3D and visual effect course to take your motion graphic career further and stand out from the crowd.

Do you think you have it in you to become a star motion graphics artist? If yes, then visit webdew careers page and apply now to begin this wonderful journey.

Till, then keep learning!! And good-luck for your motion graphics interview.