The job market has grown exponentially over the last couple of years and shows an enormous transformation in the hiring process. Nowadays, employers focus on quality hiring rather than the masses, unlike earlier.

Moreover, with the increase in the number of degree holders, the scenario has changed, and jobs are getting scarce day by day as the approach has updated and become more quality-centric.

Therefore, grabbing a job and securing a place in the animation company is not that easy as we thought. That’s why I bring the solution to this problem and have jotted down a few tips to get into the motion graphics industry.

Here I go with the tips to slow down your struggle and make you succeed in a job interview, whether for any well-known firm or studio hiring for animator or motion graphics artist. So, get ready to begin your motion graphics career, with these interview tips.

Crack Your Motion Graphics Interview with these tips

Tip 1- Figure out the job requirement

You are not supposed to walk into a flock of sheep and behave unintelligently. Most of you will randomly apply for the job without doing proper R&D about the company and its requirements. No doubt, a job is necessary for everyone out there whether he is fresher or have some professional background.

Let’s take an example to make it more clear.

Assume that you are an expert at Microsoft office, but you have applied at an animation firm where a requirement is for a 3D artist only. What do you think? About that situation. Yes! You are bound to fail that interview because you did not prepare for that profile.

Hence, you require to have a good understanding of the profile you have aiming for along with the firm and the website.

Additionally, you need to have good hands on the software or tools used in that particular field. For motion graphic tools, one can hop onto the  webdew’s blog to get clear insights regarding leading software used in the animation industry.

So it’s crucial to have in-depth knowledge of the respective field before joining the organization instead of hoping to learn during the job.

Tip 2- Prepare your Show-reel

As a motion graphic designer, it is vital to present your show-reel to the interviewer. Those who are not aware of the term “Show-reel” Let’s know more about it.

A show-reel is basically a portfolio that contains a short video that you have done so far during your animation course or degree. It compiles it into a video of different styles, and it can also be your signature style. Hence, to show your potential to the interviewer and impress him, you need to prepare an effective show-reel.

A few things you need to keep in your head:-

  • Make it short and simple
  • Keep your show-reel interesting and put your best work together.
  • Keep it real and significant.

Tip 3- Craft your Resume and have Copies

The recruiter would see your resume before meeting you personally to be competent enough to get employers’ attention.

Make sure you go through your resume a good turn of time before sending it to the employer for selection. Do proofreading it and make it error-free and correct if there is any grammatical error in the resume.

It is always recommended to keep at least three professional copies of your resume with you. No matter if you sent it via email, it’s essential to keep the printed copies with you and offer them to the interviewer. It shows that you are serious about your career and shows you carry some courtesy with you.   

Tip 4 – Be specific with the Skills

You need to be specific with your motion graphic skills sometimes, although it’s good to have considerable knowledge. However, in this particular field, you can’t do everything simultaneously; you should have a specialty. Many domains are available, such as Modelling, Texturing, Rigging, Tracking, Chroma and Wire removal, Matte painting, and much more.

One can choose any of the given divisions and get hands-on in that particular field. Having in-depth knowledge of a specific domain will provide you a competitive edge and escalate your career opportunities at another level.

Tip 5 – Be Honest to your Employer

Honesty would be a key factor during the interview process. Honesty is obligatory and capable of impressing your interviewer at a definite level. There are certain do’s and don’t you need to keep in your mind.

  • Do not hike up your expectations to weird values.   
  • Do R&D of often asked motion graphic Interview question with the answer. This will give you a glimpse of the interview process.
  • You can take suggestion from your friends those are working in the same field, or you can search over the internet about this field.
  • Do proper research on the website of the company that you are appearing for.

Final Say

I hope this guide will help you in securing a place as a motion graphic artist. The best way to succeed in the interview process is to follow the above tips.

Chant the mantra every day to get into shape as a motion graphic artist. Breathe and inhale all the methods this can help you in your way.

I know it will be harder to get into the animation industry, but you are supposed to stand out of the curve to make your presence and get better career opportunities for future endeavors. Go for motion graphics certifications to stay ahead.

webdew is also here to narrow down your search for career concern you can go to webdew’s career and can apply for the motion graphic artist profile.

Good-luck for your motion graphics career!