Are you preparing for your next digital marketing job interview?

Are you eager to know how to land up to your dream job and begin your digital marketing career ?

Are you worried about the questions the interviewer might ask?

No worries! This article will help you prepare for digital marketing Interview as we made a list of questions and answers for the marketing aspirants to ace their next job interview.

These frequently asked Interview questions will help you during the interview as they will cover the primary topics of the digital domain and help you gain in-depth knowledge of marketing questions in trend these days.

So take a rundown on the often asked digital marketing Interview questions and answers to build a foundation of your knowledge about digital marketing components.

Below are some General Interview Questions

Question 1. How will you define Digital Marketing?

Answer. Digital marketing is a buzzword and used for business branding across various digital platforms. Online marketing uses multiple marketing tactics to promote brands over the internet and reach a greater audience.

Earlier, marketers used to practice traditional marketing ways for business promotion. However, now the scenario has changed where businesses today apply trend marketing techniques for branding and to outreach the potential customer.

Businesses leverage various digital media for their brand hype. To accompany these campaigning trends, marketers acquire different marketing tactics, including social media marketing, Search engine optimization, PPC, search engine marketing, email marketing, link building, and content marketing, etc., for their branding and advertisements.

Question 2. What are the types of Digital Marketing?

Answer. There are two types: Inbound marketing and Outbound marketing.

Inbound Marketing: Inbound marketing is a method in which marketers attract the customer through quality content known as “content marketing.” The inbound method encompasses: creating a blog post, social media, infographics, emails, newsletter, SEO, and PPC. This methodology helps engage the masses with your brand/product to convert the target audience into potential customers.

Inbound marketing is more effective than outbound marketing as it puts more focus on raising brand awareness and improving the customer base more humanely.

Outbound Marketing: Outbound Marketing is similar to traditional marketing in which marketers attain the outbound tactics to outreach the audience, which includes TV and radio ads, email, calls, billboards, telemarketing, print media, newspaper, magazine ads, and much more.

Question 3. Are you aware of the useful Digital Marketing tools?

Answer. There are numerous digital marketing tools available in the market for digital professionals.

Below is a list of some powerful tools useful for a digital marketer:

  • Buzzstream
  • Google Analytics
  • Ahrefs
  • SEMrush
  • Buffer
  • MailChimp
  • Moz
  • Hunter
  • Buzzsumo
  • Alexa Ranking
  • Google Trends
  • Keyword Discovery
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Plag checker
  • Grammarly
  • Quetext
  • Copyscape
  • Rank watch

Don’t forget to mention your Digital marketing skills here. And if you have any digital marketing certifications, mention that as well.

Question 4. What are the components of digital marketing?

Answer. There are different components of digital marketing which are mentioned below:

  • Content Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • E-commerce Marketing
  • Marketing Automation
  • Conversion rate Optimizer
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Google local optimization

Question 5. Define SEO and Search engine.

Answer. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an online marketing technique used to rank a website for getting organic traffic and get a high ranking on search engine results.

Search engine plays a vital role to show the relevant information to the users as per their search. Some of the search engines used are:

  • Google
  • Bing
  • Yahoo
  • Mozilla Firefox

Question 6. What is a keyword in SEO?

Answer. A keyword is a word and phrase in your content that makes it possible for the audience to find your content across the web via a search engine. It’s a crucial part of Search Engine Optimization(SEO) to pick an appropriate keyword for your web content to get a better page ranking on the search result.

Question 7. What do you understand by AMP?

Answer. Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP is used to accelerate your mobile pages. Google announced the AMP project in October 2015 and designed it well to make it mobile-friendly. The AMP project is an open-source initiative focusing on creating a better web place.

Question 8.  What are the On-page and Off-page optimization techniques?

Answer. On-page optimization is designed to optimize individual websites to drive relevant traffic and make them rank high on the search engine’s results page. On-page SEO refers to some specific measures that are used to optimize the websites. These are:

  • Title tags
  • Meta description
  • Multimedia
  • Responsive design
  • Outbound links
  • Inbound links
  • Image optimization
  • Social Sharing buttons
  • Post long content
  • Boost site speed
  • Quality content
  • Off-page optimization

We will recommend you to read Backlinko On-page SEO for more guidance, as this article covers the entire topic of On-page optimization and provide you deep knowledge for the same.

Off-page optimization refers to outbound links or backlinking, which improves the website ranking on Google or any other search engine. This technique uses different measures that involve the following:

  • Link building
  • Social bookmarking
  • Social media marketing
  • Comment Link
  • Article directories
  • Forum signatures

 Question 9. What do you know about PPC?

Answer. PPC stands for Pay Per Click, a marketing technique that helps derive leads through Google ads. The advertiser is supposed to pay the publisher per click on the link of his website. The whole concept depends on ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links when the user searches on relevant keywords offering by an individual’s business.

Question 10. What is the difference between White hat SEO and Black hat SEO?

Answer. A white hat SEO strategy is used to get a higher search ranking. These tactics focus on providing a good user experience because they produce more organic techniques and demand quality in a website. White hat SEO focuses on various parameters like:

  • Creating quality content
  • Keyword researching(long tail keywords, short tail keywords)
  • Adding keywords in the title, heading, link anchor text, and page title.
  • Site architecture
  • Site performance

Black hat SEO aims only on search engine ranking, not on the target audience. Black hat SEO is used by those looking for instant traffic on their website and quick financial return. Techniques used by black hat SEO includes:

  • Keyword stuffing
  • Spam content
  • Cloaking
  • Link exchange
  • Blog comment spam
  • Google Bombing
  • Negative SEO
  • Invisible text
  • Private Blog networks

Refer to Cognitive SEO for useful insights regarding Black hat SEO

Question 11. What are the benefits of digital marketing over traditional marketing?

Answer. Digital marketing is a more flexible and less time-consuming way of doing marketing. Businesses are providing digital services to the customer using digital platforms. It is more affordable and more manageable in terms of price and time. It is also cost-effective and convenient.

On the other hand, traditional marketing, which is a conventional mode of advertising, focuses on television, newspapers and magazines, billboards, radio, etc. This led to inconvenience, less efficiency in terms of time and budget, and less real-time results.

Last words

The above digital marketing question and answers will give you an extra- edge in your next interview when facing the interview panel. Hope the documentation provided you valuable insights and would prove to be of great help.

Remember, the scope of digital marketing career is really wide and the benefits of choosing Digital Marketing as your career path has indeed a lot of perks.

Looking for a Digital marketing job in Chandigarh? Well, visit webdew careers and apply now.

Good luck with your future endeavor!!