Are you a fresher and recently graduated from college?

Are you looking for a job in the digital marketing landscape?

Are you facing a challenge in clearing an interview, especially in these tough times?

Are you worrying about the interview queries and thinking how to impress the interviewer so that you can pick you up as the best fit?

No worries! This extensive yet straightforward article will help you to prepare for your next digital marketing interview. 

Growth and effect of Digital+ Marketing Career in the Digital Era

Digital marketing is expanding exponentially where a business uses digital marketing tactics to attract leads and reach its target audience. Companies leverage various digital platforms to promote their brands across the globe.

Hence, Enterprises require skilled and professional marketers to stay ahead in the competition which is going in the digital environment. The rapid growth in the digital domain is the evidence of massive competition in the market which ultimately, came up with ample employment opportunities.

It’s an excellent opportunity for the recent graduates, but at the same time, we can’t neglect the competition in the digital world, which might drag you behind. A career in digital marketing ensures various benefits. But it would not be easy to get into the digital domain without having hands-on concepts of online marketing. 

There are numerous opportunities for you. Aspirants need to stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in digital marketing so that they can make a better choice and grab golden opportunities.

How you can crack the Digital Marketing Interview?

Before appearing for an interview, you need to focus on a few things. Take a look down below:

  • Go through the website of the company, their mission and vision statements, values, history, and most importantly, their social presence. Check out the Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter pages of the respective company you are to appear for the interview.
  • Additionally, Understanding of Organizational structure of the company and the background of the higher authorities like CEO, CMO, Director, etc. is also essential.
  • You should also have knowledge of recent projects and the company’s portfolio they are working on, and their upcoming projects.

This basic knowledge will leave a good impression on the hiring manager, and it would increase your chances of getting hired in the company that you have been eyeing.

Prefer reading- Top 7 Benefits of Digital Marketing Career in India.

Good Intellect over the concepts of Digital Marketing

You must have enough information with you so that you can demonstrate the whole concept of digital marketing and the latest trends going in the digital world to the recruiter.

There are various techniques used by businesses to promote their brands. That’s why the understanding of digital marketing concepts, including social media skills, is essential.

Additionally, Candidates need to have a good understanding of online marketing techniques such as:

Knowledge of the basic marketing tools and necessary technologies is essential to get into the digital domain.

The recruiter may ask questions related to the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) and understanding of digital media, knowledge of KPIs and metrics in digital marketing, how good at your expertise in building relationships with your consumers, excellent communication skills, and other marketing skills.

These types of questions you might face in the interview. So prepare yourself accordingly and do proper research on the above concepts. The more you conduct research, the more you will understand the interviewer and the latest queries.

The research segment will definitely help you out in addressing the hiring manager and boost your self-confidence during the interview.

Does your Resume possess any Certification?

Certification could be the limelight of your resume. Certification tells the interviewer that you are well-qualified and dedicated towards your career. Meanwhile, it also enhances your skills and knowledge in a particular domain. Thus, acquire one and advance your career and add stability to your long-term job prospects. 

Employers keep an eye on those candidates who have earned certification in a particular area because they prefer those aspirants who have relevant knowledge, expertise and experience in the related fields.

Research by Microsoft states that 91 percent of hiring manager consider certification as a part of their hiring process. Therefore, certification turns into the need of the hour for the seekers who are looking for their dream jobs.

We recommend you to get certified by HubSpot and Digital Marketing courses from Simplilearn.

It will value your resume and increase your chances of getting hired instantly.

Be Prepared for the Arising Questions.

There are a few elementary questions the hiring manager would address you during the interview, such as:

  • What are your strengths and weakness?
  • Why do you want this opportunity, and what makes you a good fit for this profile?
  • Tell us about your accomplishment you are most proud of.
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Why did you choose Digital Marketing?
  • Why is Digital Marketing preferred over Traditional Marketing?
  • What values will you bring to the company?

The answers to the above questions should be at your fingertips during the interview because these basic digital marketing interview questions will make a decision that you are a good fit for their organization or not.

You need to be expressive and must possess a good personality so that you can present yourself in an organized manner and communicate efficiently and constructively in the interview.

We want to suggest a few tips to crack your next Digital Marketing Interview.

  • The first and foremost thing you need to take care of is to work on your resume because a recruiter might take only a few seconds to decide whether you are good fit or not. So craft your digital marketing resume in a precise and informative way to grab the best opportunity in your hand.
  • Highlight your key qualities and accomplishment you have acquired.
  • Specify your expertise and any earned certification.
  • Show your passion for digital marketing and the company you are interviewing for.
  • Answer the question if you are confident; if you are not aware of the asked question, don’t respond.

Prefer Reading- What is the Average Digital Marketing Salary in India?


I hope this documentation will help you out with the first step of preparing for your next Digital Marketing interview. Give proper time to the research of your particular area of interest so that you can portray the best out of you.

Good Luck with your next interview!