The administration department can be one of the most important departments in a company. It is a department that deals with the company’s core activities, be it external or internal. 

The administration department has a lot of roles and responsibilities. An administrator is essential to the efficient operation of a company since they give office support to either a person or a team.

Attending calls, keeping records, tracking employee attendance, preparing relevant documentation, and handling finances are just a few of the responsibilities they may have. Administrators are also sometimes involved in office projects and responsibilities and supervise junior administrative employees.

Like the famous dialogue in the Spider-man movie, “With great power comes great responsibility.” And for an administrator, that responsibility comes through trust, dedication, and hard work. 

Read on to see the different ways business administrators build that trust and hard work for the smooth administration of a company.

Trust as part of administration work

Organizations have a trust framework that serves as a common vocabulary for discussing trust’s various characteristics. Individuals and teams can use this to better understand, communicate, and practice trust with one another. 


As an administrator, you have access to a lot of information about the organization. The duty of confidentiality presents a moral dilemma in office administration where conflicts of interest are quite normal.

The administrator must take responsibility for the information that is provided to him and maintain confidentiality. It is crucial as some information might affect the company’s profits, which affects the employees too. 

Confidentiality is a crucial consideration, as is the enforcement of ethical codes. It is an administrator’s responsibility not to reveal or relate any confidential information to the public or third parties without the permission of the organization’s higher or highest authority. 

You prove yourself as a good administrator with a great work ethic by maintaining the confidentiality of your organization’s information. 

Maintaining Finances

Administrators are trusted with the finances of an organization. And revenue and finance have a huge role in the organization’s growth. An admin executive’s responsibility of taking care of finances includes banking activities, maintaining financial records and documents, etc. 

Although an administrator’s budget authority is limited, they must thoroughly understand their division’s costs. Administrators also manage the salary and benefit budget of the employees. In addition to severance settlements, the administrator should be able to hire new staff, which necessitates a thorough understanding of the salary and benefit budget.

Because the administrator is in charge of acquiring supplies and equipment, they must understand her budget and how to best use the funds available to increase the company’s profits.

Hard Work as part of administration

Hard work is something that every person should do. But why mention this separately for administrators? This is because administrators have to be active and energetic for the organization’s activities. 


Sometimes work pops up, and you have to be available for it. Administrators have to be energetic and work hard to make things run smoothly. 

The management might require you to do something on short notice, and it is your responsibility to make sure that the work gets done with proper planning. 

For example, as the covid-19 pandemic hit the world, people had to stay in, and work from home became the new normal. In such a situation, changes had to be made in an emergency.

Such a situation must have indeed put a lot of pressure on administrators. However, administrators should make themselves available and take responsibility to plan things accordingly and execute the same. 

In and Out of Office Works

You must have figured out that the administration department executives handle the management of internal documents and much more. Organizing internal activities of an organization like office events, parties, etc., also comes under the responsibilities of an admin executive. 

An administrator’s work is not limited to internal work in an organization. As an administrator, you will also have a lot of out-of-office jobs. This requires administrators to be hardworking and dedicated. 

Even in the covid-19 pandemic situation, administrators must have faced difficulties carrying out external work. However, it is part and parcel of the duty of an administrator. 

Well-Organized and efficient

From maintaining a safe and clean office to banking and finance, an administration executive plays a significant role in everything happening in an organization. 

With many responsibilities and work, there needs to be a proper plan of execution. Being the backbone of the organization, the administration department has to be well-organized and well-structured. 

An administrator’s primary role is to guarantee that all departments of an organization operate efficiently. They serve as a conduit between management and the workforce. They motivate the workforce and help them achieve the organization’s objectives.

This requires an administrator to be well-organized and plan their work effectively.

Final Word

It is sometimes assumed that the role of an administrator is unimportant in the organization, and their existence is overlooked. However, an organization cannot function well without the presence of an administrator. The administration is responsible for responsibilities and the functioning of all departments.

Let’s look at it this way; administrators are more like the ultimate superheroes whose work has to keep going, be it sunny or rainy. If you are a business administrator or looking forward to being one, I hope the ways mentioned above can help you build trust and a hardworking attitude for your organization. 

If you want to start your career as an admin, feel free to book your interview at

Editor– Amrutha