Are you pondering over how to get jobs as web developer? 

Indeed, Web Development is the endeavor put in advancing the website for the internet or intranet or for some private network. The brackets of web development can start from a simple single static plane page text to complex internet applications like distributed applications or Decentralized Anonymous Payment System (DAPS), electronic businesses, and social network services.

A more candid way of explaining this name would be to accomplish web engineering assignments, web design, web content development, client liaison, server-side scripting, web servers, network security configuration, and the very common e-commerce development.

Amongst this whole melodrama, the prime focus of web developers is on the non-design aspects: markup and coding.

The problem is, the (s)he does not know where to invest his/her time and that too in which domain of web development. The newbies keep on striking their skills into the walls of surrounding thoughts of other inexperienced persons. So they need to spend some time gaining knowledge regarding the jobs in web development for freshers either on MOOCs or from some outsources.

From there, they get aware of not only domains of web development but also carry with them the pile of skills too. The boasting terminology is cleared. Now they know the roles and responsibilities of the front-end developer, back-end developer, mean stack, or full-stack development.

Jobs in Web Development

The time is always ripe to give a start, and the beginning is always soothing no matter what kind of beginning it is. The freshers or newbies have wide span flattened numerous companies in tri-city, according to the skillset they possess.

Let’s say the one person good at HTML and CSS can start his or her career with the early positions of back-end development. (S)He will be responsible for proper markup standards and take care of WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). He should be sure of the styling has been implicated finely or not. The certifications can even settle down the dust and can guide you in the right direction.

Let’s enlist some of the jobs in web development for freshers. Enhance your web developer skills with those jobs.

  1. Front End Developers
  2. Back-end Developers
  3. Quality Analysts/Testers
  4. Server Side developers
  5. Designers (UI/UX)

Salaries of the developers

If I am not wrong, you might be thinking about what is the average salary of a web developer? 

Well! The freshers get the approximate paychecks yearly as per indeed:

  • Front-End Developers – Rs. 475, 000
  • Back-end Developer – Rs. 210,000
  • Quality Analyst – Rs. 210,000
  • Server Side Developers – Rs. 252,000
  • UI/UX Designers – Rs. 464, 763

Front-End Developers

The ones who are not so well aware and are unfamiliar with the knots of the web can start with this simple domain. Front-end developers are those professionals who deal with the needs and requirements of the client. He puts into practice the skills of HTML, CSS, and somewhat of JavaScript in his development.

This type of development is done so that the person on the other side can interact with the modularity directly. It’s the job of this person to make it as simple as possible for humanity because everybody does not know the technicalities. The person has to be aware of the latest techniques as the front end of the websites or applications changes frequently.

The objective for the fresher should be to design the site and ensure it so that whenever a user visits the site, he should have that all the information in a most appealing and readable form.

Prefer Reading- Top Web Development Courses to Take Your Career to the Next Level.

Back-end Developers

Ladies and gentlemen! You have to be more cautious regarding the working of the site or application. This phase comprises the mechanisms, logistics, reasoning where negligence and carelessness have no spot. One single mistake, if it occurred even by mistake, stops the whole workflow. Sometimes the errors in a code coagulate the current of the flowcharts.

Most of the time, they make use of technologies like PHP, ASP.Net, JavaScript, Java, Perl, and some other honorable mentions like Ruby, Scala, C#, ActionScript. Each and every language named has its own merits and demerits. One of them provides you everything scalability, flexibility, functional programming, OOPs, parallel programming, server site scripting, shell scripting, i.e., “Python”.

Developers; Make the choice wisely!

Quality Analysts

The heading speaks for itself. The fresher sitting on this chair need not to too technical, but he must know some good logistics to write the test cases. They are meant to check the quality of the product so developed for any loopholes in the software.

Awareness of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a must for these candidates. The life cycle teaches the phases of the software how it’s been developed; Basically, it provides the structure of the project or application developed so that if in the near future an error or bug arises, they rapidly test the product for its malfunctioning.

They usually two methods of testing, i.e., (a) Black Box Testing and (b) White Box Testing. The former has no clue of the internal structure or design of the item, while the latter is quite the opposite of the former.

So there are some inbuilt tools to perform this task:

  • Selenium
  • Katalon Studio
  • UFT
  • Test Complete
  • SoapUI
  • IBM Rational Functional Tester
  • Ranorex
  • Postman

Server Side Developers

Here the freshers, as well as the professionals, work carefully. To make your application or project dynamic, one needs to know about Server-side programming because static applications have no stand at the end of the day.

The developers get their hands dirty with Django (Python) and Express (NodeJS) web frameworks to inject dynamic functionality. All these efforts are put to deliver flexible information in response to HTTP requests.

The major firms use server-side technology for dynamically showing the content which is updated at every fraction of a second example, Amazon, social media sites, and applications.

Prefer Reading- List of important Web developer skills you should possess.


If someone has not visited, then firstly type the URL “”. I can bet this the creative minds will fall in love with the site. Indeed, design matters, but on top of it, if the user gets a fantastic user experience and the interface, you will chain the visitor.

So the freshers can start with “Basic UX”. Tweak the product for a better user experience. User Experience is how the client or visitor feels about the application after its use. It does not matter how flashy the product is; rather, it’s the feeling that a person gets. The basic in BASIC  stands for Beauty Accessibility Simplicity Intuitiveness and Consistency.

The Final Sayings

It’s not that experienced profiles are seen in firms. The question arises,” How did they earn the experience in the first place!

“Every fresher is experienced, and every experienced is a fresher!”