Have you recently passed your graduation and looking for a job to make a career. Perhaps, Human Resource profile will help you upgrade your knowledge and escalate your career growth. However, before appearing for the HR interview, you need to prepare well so that you stand-out from other candidates who appear for the same profile.

Don’t Worry! We will guide you in the best possible way. You will get to know about the frequently asked HR interview questions. It will help you prepare and answer all the questions confidently and crack HR jobs.

So, let’s dive into the common nine HR interview questions and answers to prepare you for your HR career well.

#Question-1 Tell me something about you and your family background.

It is a prevalent question that is asked at the beginning by the interviewer. As said- “The first impression is the last impression.” So, answering your first question will make your impression last longer. You should be confident enough to engage the interviewer in your first question.

You can start your Interview by sharing your personal details like qualifications, achievements, etc. Be precise while sharing your personal information. Try to end your question in such a way that the listener becomes excited and eager to know more about your life.

#Question-2 As you are from an IT background, why choose HR as your career?

While answering this question, you should focus on your strengths and positive points. You can relate your answer to your long-term career goals. Make sure you answer this question in such a way that the interviewer gets an idea that you have a good understanding of the HR roles and responsibilities.  

Here, you can also share new opportunities and things you will learn in the future while working as an HR.

#Question-3 How quickly you adapt to the new environment?

Changes are part of life. We all have to adjust according to the time and environment. Here you can add the points of patience and that you are always positive and practical. While answering this question, try to relate your career smartly.

#Question-4 Which software are you familiar with?

Before going for an interview session, make sure you know all your skills deeply. If you are not familiar with some software and are into the learning phase, then try not to speak in front of the interviewer directly.

You can use “ I am familiar with” or “I am proficient in,” etc., phrases to answer this question. It will redirect your answer to the positive side of the Interview. To leave a good impression on the interviewer, try to have some basic knowledge of some tools and don’t forget to add to your resume.

#Question-5 Can I trust you while assigning the responsibilities? Are you reliable?

Without fumbling, try to be straightforward like “Yes, I am a reliable person. You can trust me while assigning duties. I will assure you that I will handle and complete all the tasks within the stipulated deadline”. Always try to answer each question with an emotional boost.

#Question-6 Are you willing to work under work pressure?

You can start like:

“Working under pressure brings out the best. Like in my college days, I have worked under pressure often to deliver the assignments on assigned dates. For that, I scheduled my tasks accordingly and worked systematically. I know deadlines and pressure situations are common. We have to adjust accordingly and strategize the plan to bring out maximum efficiency in ourselves”.

Don’t forget to leave a positive impact on the interviewer while answering the question.

#Question-7 Suppose we hire you, and you have to recruit the candidates at minimum salary; how will you Negotiate?

Here you can focus on your skills like management, budgeting, decision-making skills, etc. I know that hiring an experienced and talented employee is the toughest task, but you are considered an excellent human resource if you are successful in doing this.

This is where your decision-making skills and communication are evaluated. Try to be more practical. Moreover, you can express that we need to understand the company requirements and financial budget to hire a candidate. Try to be confident and realistic while answering this specific question.

#Question-8 Are you comfortable with night shifts and working weekends?

This is the time where you need to speak truthfully. If you are ready to work on weekends and comfortable with night shifts, you can use some attractive words like “ I am a nocturnal person and like to do work during nights. So, I don’t have any issues working at night and during weekdays.”

But, if you are not comfortable working regularly and at night, don’t hesitate to speak. But yes, try to be positive. Share your problem and say,” if the company needs my presence in some urgent delivery, I will surely pitch in.” It will help you leave a positive impression on the interviewer as he/she will get an idea that you are determined and willing to work.

#Question-9 Do you have a good work ethic? And what salary are you expecting?

This question is often asked when the employer wants to judge you whether you are disciplined and can structure your work or not? While answering this question, you need to speak about your ability to schedule your work and complete it without compromising the quality.

Before appearing for an interview, remember to do some research on the company’s salary packages to their recent employees. As per your knowledge and experience, suggest some range of an amount you want to avail.

Tip: Don’t be too specific on some particular digit.

Once you are done with all the questions, wait for the interviewer to say “Thank you.”

Few more Words

I hope all these commonly asked HR interview questions and answers will easily crack your next Interview. Feel free to share more HR interview questions and your personal interview experience.

All the best for your HR Interview round!