Are you a graphic designer? Great! Then you must have a creative and imaginative mind. Isn’t it?  You are good!!

So what are you waiting for next?

Get out of your shell and appear for the next graphic designing interview.

Hold on. Wait a moment!

Are you ready with your updated resume? Ah!! That would be the first thing your interviewer will see.

Hence, let me tell you some fantastic facts. Do you know there are 286000 applicants are there who have applied for the same profile you did? You might not be aware of the number that they all are your competition.

So don’t think you are unique. You are just one more of the reject pile.

Only one thing that can make a difference between you and the crowd is your “resume.” This is the reason why you need to design a perfect resume.

I have enlisted a few tips to create a graphic designer CV for you guys.

Let’s get started with the tips.

First, you need to flush out all your old resumes and try to give them a breath of fresh air.

There are a lot of things to mention in your resume. You need to design your Graphic Designing CV in such a way that you can stand out from the crowd.

Top tips to Create Graphic Designer CV

Tip 1- Objective Statement

The career objective would be the first thing that the interviewer is noticing during resume filtration.

That’s why you must add one to two lines of an objective statement or call it a mission statement that can make your resume at the top of the selection.

Your career objective should be aligned with your career goal and the professional purpose that you possess and why you are the best fit for the job.

Tip 2- Make an impressive Layout

You guys are going for a graphic designing interview, and the design industry is the most creative and flexible one. Hence you need to take care of the nuisances in your resume.

The creative director is going to pay attention to the layout of your resume and the content you have mentioned.

Therefore, instead of using Microsoft Word for resume design, you can go for InDesign CC and Illustrator CC to craft something exceptional.

Tip 3- Pick your fonts wisely and color as well

It’s good that you are flowering with all the required graphic designing skills, but that does not mean you will experiment with all those “typographic” skills while designing a resume.

No doubt, your resume should follow the current trends, but the primary aim of the CV should be readability, so it’s a good idea to stick to the simplicity and use readable fonts.

Moreover, you belong to the graphic designing industry, and for you guys, touches of color are not probably a waste of time, unlike non-designers.

It’s good to use some aesthetic color; however, don’t go over the top and avoid using green type on a yellow base that can stand out the wrong reasons. For a better understanding of color, you can read color theory.

Tip-4 Put your best work sample

Adding the work sample or portfolio shows that you are sincere towards your graphic design career, and your employer will indeed consider you for the post.

Put your graphic design portfolio and provide the link too. One can also showcase their certification, if you have completed some graphic design courses.

Tip-5 Insert Keywords

It’s essential to add an exact amount of keywords from the job listing in your resume to show that you are a good fit for the position and job description.

You can put the relevant keyword which is related to your profile. Additionally, some general keywords in your resume because companies use scanning software to filter out the resume. For that reason, you should embed the right amount of related keywords.

Tip-6 Spotlight your Interpersonal skills

Apart from the designing skills, today’s employers are keeping an eye on the non-technical abilities also.

They focus on soft skills, logic and problem-solving, flexibility, and time management on the radar of hiring managers. If you do not have these skills, it’s high time to put these skills into action.

Tip-7 Proofread

After designing your resume, it’s equally essential to proofread the whole content. Spotting a mistake in the content you have worked on is the most challenging task. But my dear, one typo error can put you in trouble, or you may lose that opportunity.

Give your content a reasonable time of reading before sending it to the hiring manager, or you may ask your friend and someone who is an expert at copy editing.

Tip-8 Keep it brief and concise

Do not extend your resume to more than two pages. It should be clear, precise, and straight to the point. You can add a significant amount of highly relevant experience but try to avoid irrelevant content.

If your content is bleeding more than two pages, you can seek help from an editor or copywriter friend to limit the phrases within the limit.

Tip-9 Personal Information and Expertise

Do not forget to mention personal detail or contact number through which an employer can connect with you.

Besides, don’t exaggerate the personal information much. Do focus on the skills and competencies you acquire because your interviewer is keen to know about your abilities and how you will benefit their organization by utilizing your skills.

Last Words

I hope you will keep all the tips mentioned above in your head. Get up and hit the market of design. Believe me, you will achieve the milestone of your career growth only if you begin your first foot forward in framing an outstanding CV for the next interview.

Looking for a Graphic designing Job? Good news, we are hiring. Visit webdew careers page and apply now.

All the best for your bright career path!