We all know digital marketing career is in fashion nowadays and is offering the latest challenges and ideas every other day.
Isn’t it interesting?
Yes, this industry is growing at 30% CAGR(compound annual growth rate), where digital campaigning revenues are predicted to cross Rs.15,000 crores which shows how drastically the digital world expansion is taking place.
This advancement comes up with plenty of career opportunities for job seekers who want to pursue a career in the digital landscape and all those who further intends to expand their career growth in the digital domain.
So, to get into this emerging field, you need to crack the digital marketing interview and prove to yourself that you are worth it for this domain. Now what must be troubling you is the kind of questions you might be asked during the interview and how to prepare for the same.
No worries! We have collated a list of (DM) Digital Marketing interview questions and answers for aspirants like you.
10 Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for Aspirants
Take a run down to get familiar with the major ones asked frequently.
Question 1. Define Digital Marketing?
Answer. Digital Marketing is a field which involves effective techniques and methods through which business reach the potential customer across the globe.
Below are the following techniques such as:
- Search Engine Optimization
- Inbound Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Content Marketing
- Affiliate Marketing
- Conversion Rate Optimization
Question 2. Explain Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Answer. SEO is a technique to draw the targeted audience to your website from search engines. Through SEO, one can improve the structure, content, and organization of the site.
Question 3. What does Search Engines mean?
Answer. Search Engine acts as an assistant for Internet users and allows them to search for the content via the WWW(World Wide Web). When a user enters a keyword or any sentence on the search engine, he finds the list of content or information related to the search query.
Question 4. How do you categorize Digital Marketing?
Answer. Digital Marketing can be categorized into two segments, including-Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing.
Inbound Marketing is a method that utilizes a form of marketing strategies i.e. content marketing, social media, blogs, SEO, CTA, newsletters, etc., to attract the prospect and create brand awareness for the business.
Outbound Marketing is a digital marketing technique which deals with attracting traffic to the website through various techniques such as Email, calls, digital platform, and advertisements.
Question 5. What are the Types of SEO?
Answer. SEO can be segmented into two parts.
- 1. White Hat SEO
- 2. Black Hat SEO
White Hat SEO is a legitimate way of optimizing a website, it does not use afoul methods to rank your website on the search engine results page.
Below are the techniques used by White Hat SEO:
- High-Quality Content
- Website HTML optimization
- Link acquisition
- Abide by the Google Guidelines
- Optimize your images
- Use Google search console
Black Hat SEO is an illegal way of doing search engine optimization to obtain a higher ranking for your website on the search engine result page.
Following are the methods used by Black Hat SEO:
- Keyword stuffing and stacking
- Tiny text, Hidden link
- Duplicate Content
- Blog spam and comment spam
- Social Networking spam
- Cloaking
- Doorway pages
Question 6. What do you know about CTA (Call to Action)?
Answer. A CTA is a cause to your website by which you ask the user to take some specified action on your website. A CTA is commanded such as Download Ebook, Take a Test, Sign up, buy now, etc.
A call to action on your web page or any other page is used to direct the user on what to do next and is the critical point for your website. This also helps in collecting data of your potential customers who can further be converted into leads.
Question 7. What do you mean by Crawler?
Answer. Crawler or Spider is a program used by search engines to inspect the internet and the web content present over there in order to help the search engines determine the search level relevancy.
Question 8. What do you mean by the responsive website?
Answer. A responsive website is designed to adjust and modify according to the technology and computing device. Such a website is capable of altering the layout according to the orientation.
Question 9. What do you understand by 301 redirects?
Answer. A 301 redirect is a process of reporting web browsers and search engines that a web page or site has been permanently moved to another location. A 301 redirect incorporates the address to which the resource has been moved.
Question 10. What do you know about robots.txt?
Answer. Robots.txt is used for instructing the web crawler to which page needs to crawl or not.
If you don’t want the spider to index your specific web page, or if your website carries some sensitive data, to prevent it from the duplicate content, you can mention robot.txt, which means you disallow the bots to index your web page from the search engine. As per the instruction spider won’t index that page.
There are numerous other questions you might be asked during the DM interview. To get more useful insights, one can refer to the webdew’s “Frequently asked Digital Marketing Interview Question” blog that will help you grab the golden opportunities in hand.
Good Luck!!