You might have read blogs and articles on earning well while working from home. So, did any of them talk about freelancing Content Writing?

Indeed, Content Writing came up in the limelight when Content Marketing took ground and started implemented by the Businesses on a serious note. Marketing is a domain which a business pays close heed to and cannot afford to take chances over the brand content that promotes everything from A to Z.

A piece of content fills a website’s pages, blogs, images, videos, landing pages, etc., and ultimately forms the backbone of any Digital Marketing campaign. Powerful, Quality-Focused, Persuasive, Engaging are a few attributes that the content must possess that helps to fulfill its actual motive of crafting it.

Businesses, big/medium/small, always keep a close eye on the proficient content writers to hire them for enhancing their content advertising efforts and achieve the desired results.

A Blog Writer or a Freelancer, apart from having a good hold over the English language, must possess some essential skills and dexterities to continue to hone over their career. Some of them are:

  • Writing Adaptability
  • Powerful Research Skills
  • Focused and Determined
  • Deliver Quality
  • Meet Deadlines
  • Updated with the ongoing Trends
  • Communication with writing

The demand for blog writers, content writers, and content writing jobs ain’t going to end up. Instead, it will touch the sky, benefitting all the aspirants looking forward to making a career in this field. There are tremendous opportunities for writers offering handsome salaries.

Indeed VacancySource: Indeed

Looking at the same, I have made an effort to acknowledge all the freshers as well as experienced individuals with some workable Content Writing Tips and Tricks that would help you grow and progress even as a novice or a professional.

Let’s Dive Deep…!

8 Content Writing Tips Progressing your Career Graph

Planning to start your Content Writing Career or are you already in this artistic career path? Do you have all the required content writing skills? If yes, have a look at these content writing tips for better career growth. 

#1 Your Piece of Writing must have a Unique Voice

Copy-writing isn’t merely about copying data, changing it a bit, and submitting the final version. Your piece of writing must always be unique and written in your original voice, where it should never be seen as a copycat.

Everybody has a ‘Way of Writing,’ and there is a need to analyze your way. To find out your voice, I would recommend reading blogs, articles, posts of some of the skilled writers as this would certainly help you dig out your writing style.

Keep on working on the writing skills for whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional in the Content Writing domain; you have to enhance your writing powers continually.

#2 Always Be in a Research Mode

Great content is created with great ideas in mind for which you need to be updated with the latest and ongoing trends. Always be in a research mode to fill your knowledge hut with extraordinary schemes and ideas.

Research, undoubtedly, enhances knowledge and learning, which should never be restricted to a particular type of writing or planning sessions; instead, be done every day to be up-to-date.

While Search and Research one can get to know about:

  • various facts
  • useful quotes
  • new technologies
  • resources as reference material
  • unique vocabulary words
  • digital advancements
  • ongoing trends
  • latest news and
  • much more information

One can keep a note of all these at a single place using Evernote that organizes all penned notes and remarks in a well-structured form.

#3 Spend Equal Time to Create a Title as your Content

Before you begin to forge your content, one must devote a considerable amount of time to designing the title for your article, as it’s the first point where a user connects with the piece of knowledge you are providing.

Unless the title seems engaging and valuable, it may be rejected or unread even if it contains the most valuable or quality data. One can have a look at HubSpot’s blog on “How to write Eye-catchy Titles and Headlines for Blogs” and take tips on creating appropriate and effective ones.

The infographic below mentions all those Title Types that work well and even are considered by the search engines while ranking the website’s blog:

Type of Titles

Source: Quicksprout

#4 Design an Irresistible Introduction

The start of any article decides whether it is going to be read further or not. A reader at first reads the initiation, and if that’s written well, it catches its interest and compels him/her to proceed.

It merely takes three to four seconds to hook the readers with the writing and scroll down to the whole body of that piece of information. It is advised to make your first sentence unique and let that make your job simple to grab their attention and keep them reading the rest of the content.

An ‘Introduction’ is no less than a lead that helps allure readers and more readers to recognize and analyze the depth of a blog or an article. The starting 100- 500 words cover your beginning and the point of focus where you must consider adding the following:

  • Trending Norms
  • Useful and relevant facts
  • Latest news
  • Technical advancements
  • Case studies, reports, and statistics
  • Contrarian viewpoint etc.

#5 Strengthen your Writing with Statistics and Figures

While reading a blog post or an article, any reader shows faith in it and believes that the information given is real and at the best of its knowledge. No reader would want to waste his time that isn’t accurate or trustworthy.

So always add statistics, proven reports, researched case studies, and facts that prove your mentioned data so that there is no probability of manipulating readers, which may tend to lose their interest out of your content, crafted with great efforts.

You can add statistical data/reports as a reference link or add a source to your assertion.

Content must:

  • Add value to the people/readers
  • Help them with upgrade their learnings
  • Inform things in the right way

Content must not:

  • Mislead the audience
  • Hype about statements or news
  • Stretch the truth

#6 Prefer Plain Writing

Short! Simple! Precise!

Follow these three instructive mantras while crafting a piece of information.

Plain writing doesn’t indicate your English class writing; nevertheless, it requires you to use simple and understandable words, adequately formed sentences, punctuation and quotes, short paragraphs and sentences.

All these guiding pointers will help you create digital content that clears the checklist of readability and understandability.

#7 Conclude your Content Piece Precisely

The end of your writing must not be done abruptly or unexpectedly or for the sake of formality. Being a novice writer or an experienced one, you must never lose the charm of your article whatsoever be the reason.

The end is as essential as the start, where an effective closing line can influence the reader to follow the steps/guidelines stated in the content. The last statements must summarize the overall article with a gist of it, focusing on the beneficial points a reader can pay heed to.

#8 Final Edits Hold a Great Importance

Never go missing with the ‘Editions’ as the first draft is never the perfect one!

As a writer, you must necessarily give several rounds of review to your highly designed content to make it a great piece of writing. Proofreading helps you solve many errors or mistakes in your article and enables you to structure your ideas well.

Prefer to walk through your content or post not just once but until you are satisfied with your draft that delivers quality. Additionally, you must consider plagiarism checking tools and grammar checking tools for better results.

Wrapping Up

While a content writer needs to have a flair for the written word, it’s only a part of the puzzle. Research skills, unique voice, adaptability, and staying updated are the key to ensure that you find success as a content writer.

Take time to develop these skills continually, and you’ll find yourself creating the kind of content that’s both easy to understand, compelling to read, and in demand.

Don’t forget to have a portfolio of your content writing samples, before going out for a content writing interview.

Good-luck for your Content Writing Career!